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Добавлено: 26 апр 2011, 13:07
Hello evry users,

I am a rookie in the CNC's world. This forum and the extension Gcode code tools is an extraordinary software for me. But i've not seen a tuto about the engraving method on version 1.6. And if their is a multi-pass/changing tool. Is there somebody for help me about this sbjects? I've understand the area method and path method, and the first result are very good for me, so I hope that somebody will help me.

The application that i will do, is engraving some letter with a cylindrical tool with 0,5 or 1mm diameter.


Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 26 апр 2011, 13:24

Multipass is done automatically when you export path to Gcode, Gcodetools creates several passes to cut to the defined depth and with defined in the tool's definition depth by pass.
So if you want to cut 10mm with cutting depth 1mm Gcodetools will create 10 passes.

To use multi tool cutting you should create several tool's definitions on different layers. Each tool's definition affects the layer it belongs and all layers above. If you want to have special Gcode to change the tool you can write it into Tool's change Gcode parameter.

Engraving is done with shaped tools like conical or sphere-ended. It creates variable depth trajectory to cut internal side of the path.

here are some talks about engraving
http://cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php? ... rt=80#p961
http://cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php? ... rt=80#p984
http://cnc-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php? ... =220#p4518

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 26 апр 2011, 14:30
Thanks for your reply! quickly will be impossible!
OK for multipass and multitools, it's very clear now for me.
So, i'am gonna read the different links about engraving now.

I think that i am in the good place with the Good team here, thanks!!!


Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 18 май 2011, 15:28
Hi team,

I don't now if i can write my question in this topics but I can't use the Tool's change Gcode parameter. When, on each layer, I write the special command like T2 M6 in the Tool change Gcode parameter, their is nothing inside the output file. Each forms is calculating, but their is no step for asking the new tools. Is there any tutorial about the way to use it?


Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 18 май 2011, 20:54
Hmmm ... I got to check it...

Attach your svg please.


Probably you have not changed empty textbox of the tool change gcode parameter.
It's not as clear.

You've got to enter the group of this field, and then select empty textbox and edit it. Hmmmm.... I should add default value to it to make it easier to edit.

Check this svg, you can copy/paste tools from it into your svg:
multitool machining gcodetools.svg
(51.03 КБ) 1765 скачиваний
And here is the ngc file for this drawing with tool change Gcode:
(1.38 КБ) 1976 скачиваний

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2011, 08:25
Hi Nick,

I upload my example file.
I proceed like this,

-I make form on each layer.
-On each layer, i put a Tool box,
-In each tool box, I enter the group and i write in front of the tool change Gcode my command and i select the parent after.(their is no empty text box)

When i try to export to Gcode, i have got either no special parameter or on error like in my file.
Error with your file (without modification):

Код: Выделить всё

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gcodetools.py", line 4601, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 215, in affect
  File "gcodetools.py", line 4529, in effect
  File "gcodetools.py", line 3414, in get_info
  File "gcodetools.py", line 3391, in recursive_search
  File "gcodetools.py", line 3393, in recursive_search
    points = self.get_orientation_points(i)
  File "gcodetools.py", line 3437, in get_orientation_points
    r = re.match(r'(?i)\s*\(\s*(-?\s*\d*(?:,|\.)*\d*)\s*;\s*(-?\s*\d*(?:,|\.)*\d*)\s*;\s*(-?\s*\d*(?:,|\.)*\d*)\s*\)\s*',node.text)
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\python\Lib\re.py", line 137, in match
    return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)
TypeError: expected string or buffer
Error with my file :

Код: Выделить всё

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gcodetools.py", line 4601, in <module>
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 215, in affect
  File "gcodetools.py", line 4541, in effect
  File "gcodetools.py", line 3627, in path_to_gcode
    for step in range( 0,  int(math.ceil( abs( (self.Zcoordinates[layer][1]-self.Zcoordinates[layer][0])/self.tools[layer][0]["depth step"] )) ) ):
KeyError: <Element {http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}g at e60180>
Please Nick HELP ME!

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2011, 09:42

I've made some changes/bug fix.
1. Now when you add a tool definition, if some field is empty, it'll display as "(None)". So you'll be able to edit it with text tool directly.
2. Added simple comment to Gcode when tool should be changed, even it tool's change gcode is None, so it looks like:
(Change tool to tool 1)
(tools change gcode)

I see you are using stable (not -dev) version of gcodetools. I recommend you to try dev version. There are a lot of improvements and it's usually has same stability in in work as stable version. Almost all the bug fixes are made to dev version and not to stable (except critical bugs) because I have no time to maintain both stable and dev versions.

Are you working on Linux or Windows?

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2011, 14:47

I work on both. My CNC machine work under Ubuntu 10.04 EMC2 and at Home I've XP SP3. I have installed Inkscape on the two PC. I'm gonna search the link for the dev. Thank's for the answer.

See you, Thank you Nick.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2011, 15:18
If you got ubutnu,to get dev version:
install bazaar:
sudo apt-get install bzr
get gcodetools-dev:
bzr branch lp:gcodetools
create inx files:
cd gcodetools
python create_inx.py

copy files to extensions dir:
cp * ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/

(all together):

Код: Выделить всё

sudo apt-get install bzr
bzr branch lp:gcodetools
cd gcodetools 
python create_inx.py
cp *  ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2011, 16:49
OK. I find the link on the forum. Thank for your indication. I will try this quickly, and i will tell you the result, perhaps with the photo!


Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 17 июл 2011, 00:35
Hello Nick, this is a very cool extension. I have used it for some time past and i turned into a problem now. The engraving path in the gcode is shifted to a higher "y" posiotion and happened a little distorsion in x axis too.
This is the original:
to engrave
and the result:
I am puzzled over it, please help!

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 18 июл 2011, 11:33
Hmmmmm .... looks strange... What version of Gcodetools are you using?

Probably it's because of transformation that have been applied to the drawing or orientation points. Can you attach the svg here. (You'll have to register in the forum to become able to post attachments) (or send me it to my email xepecine gmail com )

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 18 июл 2011, 15:05
I haven"t got the activation mail yet, mail has been sent.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 18 июл 2011, 17:21
hmmmm.... I'll activate you in manual mode... check your spam box...

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 18 июл 2011, 22:37
Thanks for the bug report!

As I thought, still engraving does have some problems with inkscape's transform-matrix. Transromr matrix is inkscape's (and svg's) internal transform which is usually applied by Inkscape or other svg viewer. It helps to prevent distortion after several transforms, where floating point numbers will be rounded to some values.

You can find this transform element in the XML-browser (Ctrl+Shift+X) and check the path and it's parents for transform element.

If you assign it to "" then you'll see the paths are moving...

PS there's a newer version Gcodetools v 1.7. It has new engraving function. But it still has same problem... I'll try to fix it...

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 июл 2011, 17:01
of course i found it in spam, you are right :) thank you for activation, sorry for lame-thing.. and we are waiting for the solution with patience :)

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 06 май 2013, 22:31
Hello Nick,

I need your help another time. When i try to engrave with an hemispherical tools the result is not correct. I explain the problem. For a tool with 2mm diameter, i write the shape in the cone tool like this : math.sqrt(max(max(0,1**2-w**2). First is-it corecct? Then when i apply the engrave with gcodetool, the deep and the path is strange. Effectively, for a width less than 2mm, isee 2 path engraving, while the model is 1mm width!!!!
But when i do it with the shape w all is good. So i wonder what kind of error i do!

Thank for your help.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 08 май 2013, 18:48
migoupil писал(а):math.sqrt(max(max(0,1**2-w**2)
seems fine...

Can you attach your svg?

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 08 май 2013, 23:39
Hello Nick,

Here, attached an example with the svg file and the NGC file. You will see that the width of the tool at a deep of 1mm is 2mm, but the width of the letter is less than 1,5 mm so when I try this it seems bad result. I tried an another Shape like This R-math.sqrt(max(0,R**2,w**2)). It seems better but it's not very clean. So I pray for help. I have attached to a phhoto of one of my try with Gcode tools.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 14 июн 2013, 10:38
Sorry for late answer!
migoupil писал(а): R-math.sqrt(max(0,R**2,w**2))
Yes this sounds better :)
migoupil писал(а): It seems better but it's not very clean.
Can you attach the image that shows that non clean result?

PS there's a nice sun you've cut!