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Tangential knife lifts

Добавлено: 31 окт 2017, 01:59

So far I have had good success with the software, but I have one problem.

I need gcode with few arcs, because arduino / RAMPS doesn't handle arcs well. This I can do by setting the arc angle to a very high value.

I would like to have lifts between moves for the tangential knife, but so far can only make it lift every time via the parameters.

I would like to have it lift only when the angle is greater than a certain value, so that it does not lift between segments of a circle.

I am willing to make changes to the code if it's not supported. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the great software.

Re: Tangential knife lifts

Добавлено: 31 окт 2017, 03:27
It looks clear that it's not supported from the code, but also clear it's easy to implement:

In gcodetools-dev.py [4625]:

Код: Выделить всё

		if tool['lift knife at corner']!=0. :
					g = "G00 Z%f  (Lift up)\n"%(depth+tool['lift knife at corner']) + "G00 "+ g + "G01 Z%f %s (Penetrate back)\n"%(depth,penetration_feed)
				else : 	
It seems like this is the place to check the angle before doing the lift. The angle is checked before against TURN_KNIFE_ANGLE_TOLERANCE on line 4621