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Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 02 май 2015, 22:52
Hi all !
I retry engraving with gcodetools dev and have some curious process.

I want to engrave this:
Cap2015-05-02.png (21959 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=49486&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (61.94 КБ)</a>
Here the svg with gcodetools set :
(922.09 КБ) 1228 скачиваний
After process engrave gcodetools you'll see in the preview of cut path that two line have curious angle.
here draw in red :
engrave.png (21959 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=49492&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (179.42 КБ)</a>
and Here the result simulate with opencam you'll see that two area are bad cut :
testjul.png (21959 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=49491&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (152.67 КБ)</a>
And here i have draw in red how the cut must be done.
test file (21959 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=49490&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (147.51 КБ)</a>
test file
I have test many setting ! adding more or less point but always these little problem.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 12 май 2015, 18:32
The path has is a quite subdivided. Possibly the bug is caused by some "bad" node which can have small tangetns. Try to make all segments straight before applying Engraving.
To do that - go to edit nodes tool (F2), select all nodes (Ctrl+A) and make all segments straight - by pressing the button in the toolbar.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2015, 00:45
Yes i have subdivide the path because if i set some simple node the engraving done segment where curve would be done...
I have ever try make straight all segment but same errors and many others done.

Here another try with less node but you see many artifact, bad path and the deformation of the letter !
bad engraving (21898 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=50542&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (27.47 КБ)</a>
bad engraving

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 19 май 2015, 12:15
hmmmm.... i'm not sure... but this may be a bug with simulation software, or with tools definition (wrong angle at the shape definition).
It would be great if you will be able to do the actual cut and see will this bug occur or not.

Re: Engraving

Добавлено: 21 май 2015, 10:04
I have verify it's not errors of the simulator !
If i load on linuxcnc the same artefact are here.