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Inkscape forums and Inkscape tutorials

Добавлено: 23 окт 2015, 23:56
Hi Friends,
I'm brynn, and probably I know some of you from other Inkscape forums. I've been a moderator at InkscapeForum.com for a several years, and more recently started another Inkscape forum Inkscape Community which provides a centralized source of all the best Inkscape tutorials that I know about, a forum, and a gallery. Even more recently, I've "inherited" another Inkscape forum Inkscape for Cutting Design which was originally set up to help people use Inkscape with the home/craft type of digital cutting machines. Since in recent years, that type of machine has much better vector software of its own, people don't need to use Inkscape as much as before.

That forum was nearly closed. But at the last minute, I agreed to take it over. I'm hoping I can re-build it around the CNC and maybe also laser cutter community. Unfortunately, while I know Inkscape pretty well, I don't know much about the cutting side of it. So if it is to grow, it will need considerable support from its users. When I came here just now, I was going to try and register and post a message, even though I thought it was all Russian. I didn't know there was a board here for English only, and I thought the possibility of an English forum for CNC would be welcomed.

However, if any of you wanted to help me re-build that forum, it would not have to be a competition between forums. We would be just 2 English forums, side by side helping people use Inkscape with CNC machines. After all, I started Inkscape Community, even though I know InkscapeForum.com will still be the "de facto" Inkscape forum (the main one), and probably will be for some time to come.

Anyway, I wanted to let you know about it, in case you weren't aware. I can always help with Inkscape, all by myself. But for CNC support I would need a lot of help. And help will be warmly welcomed (especially if anyone posts there asking for help ;) )

And for the 2nd part of this message -- tutorials. Because of all the messages I see posted, asking how to convert a raster ("bitmap") image to vector, I've embarked on a journey to write a series of tutorials that will cover everything about converting a raster image to vector. They will be hosted at Inkscape Community, and of course free for anyone to use. But at the moment, I'm a little bit stuck with understanding all the terminology of the CNC world.

I wonder if you all could help me with some questions. For example, Is "engraving" the same thing as "etching"? And how do the Gcodetools -- the various extensions, use the paths?

And if this community needs any tutorials (beyond what this series will offer), I'd be glad to give it a try. I enjoy writing them. And they would be provided openly, without copyright, for anyone to use (or edit).

All best :D