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Order of cuts?

Добавлено: 17 авг 2012, 23:55
So I have a file with five circles. How can I control the order that gcodetools handles the circles? Right now it skips all over the place and I'd like to apply an order.

Re: Order of cuts?

Добавлено: 18 авг 2012, 01:04
Are there any reasons why do you want to cut 5 circles in the exact order?

If you uncheck "sort paths to reduce rapid moves" the paths should be cut in their imaginary Z axis order. The path that lies on the others will be cut first.

Re: Order of cuts?

Добавлено: 18 авг 2012, 01:26
I never noticed that cutting order checkbox. It was, of course, unchecked. Checking it made a huge difference! No more issues.

I am interested, however, in what curring order dropdown means. What's the difference between "subpath by subpath", "path by path" and "pass by pass"?

Re: Order of cuts?

Добавлено: 18 авг 2012, 01:44
if you chose Subpath by Subpath - all paths will be broken to Subpaths first and then passed to Path to Gcode and sorting function. This option can further reduce rapid motions.

Path by Path means ordinal behavior.

An Pass by Pass is used with multi-pass cutting and means cut all paths to the depth of the first Pass then to the depth of the second one and so on.

Re: Order of cuts?

Добавлено: 18 авг 2012, 02:45
Wow. This software is very customizable!

Re: Order of cuts?

Добавлено: 18 авг 2012, 21:45
That's what I call Linux way :)