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gcodetool crashes

Добавлено: 16 май 2012, 11:41
I have installed gcodetools 1.7 on ubuntu precise.

When I try to create a new tool in the tool library. I have a message "Tools library working, please wait" and just after inkscape crashes with messages "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now".

I had the same error whan I tried to creat gcode using the defaul tool.

Any tips ? Thanks.

Re: gcodetool crashes

Добавлено: 16 май 2012, 12:01
Hmmm... attach your svg please. What inkscape version is there in precise?

Re: gcodetool crashes

Добавлено: 16 май 2012, 12:23
Thanks for your fast answer

Version is Inkscape r9886

attached is the file

Re: gcodetool crashes

Добавлено: 16 май 2012, 12:27
It seems like the document is imported from somewhere outside of inkscape, is'n it? :)
Thus it does not have a lot of inkscape's definitions, for example there's no layers in the document.

The best way is to open such document, select all the paths and copy them to a new document created in inkscape (File-New, Paste). After that you should have all the paths in native inkscape's svg.

Re: gcodetool crashes

Добавлено: 16 май 2012, 13:06
You were right on all points. Thanks